
在线棋牌游戏 赛马是什么

发布日期:2022-03-01 14:17    点击次数:188

在线棋牌游戏 赛马是什么

赛马是马匹奔跑速度、骑手驾驭马匹能力的一种竞技活动 ,历史上最早的有关赛马的记载是在公元前4500年,当时活跃在中亚的一些游牧部落为了将野马驯养为家畜而采取一种选种手段。到了公元前七世纪,四架马车比赛就已经登堂入室成为古代奥林匹克运动会比赛项目之一 。昔日被称为“国王的运动” 的赛马运动现已成为备受全世界人民所广泛接受和喜爱的一种休闲文化娱乐活动。赛马业具有显著的福利性特征,是一种强大的集资手段,成为当代经济中的一项支柱产业,对经济、社会发展和繁荣体育事业日益显示出巨大作用。目前世界上开展赛马运动较成熟的国家和地区有英国、法国、美国、爱尔兰、意大利、澳大利亚、日本、中国香港特别行政区和澳门等。 Horse racing is a kind of competitive activities that allow horses and their riders to compete the speed. The earliest record of horse racing was 4500 BC, which some nomadic tribes in Central Asia adopted for raise purposes. In the 7th century BC, four Four-wheels horse races have firstly become an official match of the ancient Olympic Games competitions. Nowadays, Horse racing has become one of the most popular sports activities all over the world. Besides, the horse racing industry has a significant welfare feature that attracts many investors because horse races can also become a part of lottery games. At present, many countries have a well-developed system of the horse racing industry. These countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Italy, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, and Macao.

